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RE & Collective Worship

RE teaching follows the Warwickshire SACRE provisions, giving opportunities to explore both the Christian tradition and the beliefs and practices of other faiths. We are a Church of England school and we also recognise the importance of giving our children the opportunity to learn about and respect the diversity, opinions and beliefs of others

Whole school collective worship is held four times a week in school. Our collective worship relates to the children’s experiences and is of a broadly Christian character, focusing on Christian values and key events in the Christian calendar. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, the school meets together to explore a variety of religious, spiritual and moral themes. Each half term we focus on a different Christian Virtue which we link to our Golden Rules. The virtue is not only explored during worship but is developed throughout the school day in lessons and at break times. On Fridays the focus or our worship is on celebrating achievements, reflecting on our learning and providing reinforcement of our positive school ethos.


Through the Autumn and Spring terms, we are fortunate to welcome members of the Heart of England Parishes who visit us to share ‘Open the Book’ assemblies where they re-enact stories from the Bible. These assemblies are thoroughly enjoyed by the children.

Reverend Steve Tash blessed our Sensory Garden, which was a joyous occasion.