Headteacher Welcome
As the head of Temple Grafton C of Primary School it is my pleasure to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit more about this small yet amazing seat of learning.
Just as our vision statement, "Together We Shine" proclaims, our whole school community of children, parents, staff and governors come together so that we can live out the words of the gospel according to Matthew, 5:16, in our everyday lives:
‘Your light must shine before people so that they will see the good things that you do’.
At our small church school, we believe that, by working together, all our children - and the whole community we serve - will have the chance to shine and flourish in their learning and well-being.
At the very heart of our school vision lie four core Christian values:
Inspiration - Nurture - Respect - Collaboration
These core Christian values are embodied in all that we do. They help to guide and unite us as we work together to build our community of learning, nurture and kindness. It is in this way that our children can thrive and succeed.
Our children love their time here as students. They embrace all opportunities to work and play, both in the classroom and in the forest; to perform and sing, both on the stage and in the choir stalls. They are given time to grow both academically and spiritually, supported throughout by an ethos of relentless kindness and the joy of our school dog, Bertie.
Once you have had the chance to look through our website, you are very welcome to contact us and arrange a time to come and see us.
Many thanks for taking the time to drop in to our school website.
Tara Yorke