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Temple Grafton Church of England Primary School

The governing body together with Mrs Yorke (our headteacher) is responsible for the overall governance of the school ensuring that it is run efficiently and effectively to provide the very best education for our children.  In brief our role is as follows:

  • Setting the strategic direction of the school ensuring its vision, Christian values and ethos are met;
  • Developing, monitoring and challenging the School Learning Improvement Plan to ensure standards are met and holding the head teacher to account for the performance of the school and its pupils;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring its money is well spent and our finances are well managed.

Governors provide their time on a voluntary basis and the governing body is made up of representatives of school staff, parents and the local diocese. We also have co-opted Governors who bring their expertise in finance, accounting, management, education and law to the Governing body.

The Full Governing Body meets twice a term, however, from time to time, working parties are established to meet school needs such as Finance (to develop and formulate the school’s budget for the forthcoming year) and to evaluate the school’s performance (Self Evaluation Form) and to develop the school’s School Improvement Plan.

We also have Governor Champions who focus on specific areas of school improvement such as a Teaching and Learning, Pupil Outcomes, Early Years, SEND, Sport, Leadership, Safeguarding and C Christian Values.

We are always keen to seek the views of parents, so please come and chat if you see us in the school or at any school function.




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