School Information
‘Together we shine’
Temple Grafton Church of England Primary School is located within the heart of the village, in a beautiful rural Warwickshire setting.
We have wonderful children and a fantastic team of staff and governors who all work together to provide high quality education underpinned by our Christian ethos. We offer a happy, secure, stimulating learning environment in which adults and children thrive.
Our school is a Church of England co-educational primary school for children aged 4 to 11. Children are organised into four classes three of which are mixed age. These are:
- Class 1: Reception
- Class 2: Year 1 & Year 2, (Key Stage 1)
- Class 3: Year 3 & Year 4 (Key Stage 2)
- Class 4: Year 5 & Year 6 (Key Stage 2)
We teach through a broad and rich curriculum which ensures that children have high-level basic skills and offers creative and challenging first hand learning experiences. We aim to develop the children’s learning through a range of imaginative, relevant and engaging themes which focus on the key learning skills they need to develop. The themes are planned to make real and meaningful links between the different areas of the curriculum and provide the children with relevant opportunities to apply their literacy and numeracy skills.
We are very proud of our Christian school, which has served the local community on this site since 1874. Our school has close links with St. Andrew’s Church, which is also located within the village and there are opportunities across the year for us to take part in Church services. The wider church community come in regularly to lead our whole school assemblies and the church also appoints Foundation Governors.
We have a fantastic environment for learning and great facilities for our children including a fully equipped iPad trolley and two laptop banks. Our playgrounds and lovely field are used in good weather for PE and at playtimes. We believe in the importance of having opportunities to take learning outdoors and we make regular use of our outdoor spaces to support learning across the curriculum. We have parents’ shelter which is also used as an outdoor classroom, an adventure trail and climbing frame and a sensory garden. The reception class has a fenced outdoor area. We are also an ECO School as well as a Forest School.
We offer a range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities for the children to enjoy. We have a large enthusiastic choir which supports the school church services and goes ‘on tour’ at Christmas within the local community. Our KS2 pupils regularly take part in locally organised inter-school sports and athletics tournaments. Music tuition is also available, for piano and guitar. After school we offer multi sports, archery, art and drama clubs all of which are well supported.
We are committed to the ideal of a partnership in education between home and school.
We also have the support of the Stratford Town Trust...